El Dr. Alejandro A. Schudel, es Doctor en Ciencias Veterinarias y Magister Scientiae en Patología Animal, egresado de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en 1965, realizó estudios de Pos-Grado y Perfeccionamiento en el país y en el exterior (USA-Suiza)
Especializado en Salud Animal en el Area de Microbiología-Virología, ha desarrollado su labor en el sector privado (1965-1968, y 2006-), en el ámbito Universitario, UNLP- Argentina (1963-1978), Rush Presbyterian University-USA (1974-1976), Universidad de Zürich-Suiza (1982-1984), UBA-Argentina (1995- 2001), y en el de Investigación y Desarrollo en CONICET-Argentina (1971- 2000), INTA-Argentina (1978-1997), Institut für Virologie-Suiza (1982-1984) y en la Oficina Internacional de Epizootias/Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal-Paris-Francia (2001-2006)
Ha conducido grupos de Investigación en la FCV-UNLP (1971-1978), en INTA-Argentina donde fué Director del Instituto de Virología hasta 1997 y en la FCV-UBA donde fué Director del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Veterinarias (1998-2001). Fue además Coordinador de Programas Nacionales de INTA y Regionales de la FAO.
Ha publicado más de un centenar de trabajos científicos en revistas especializadas y libros (Fiebre Aftosa, BSE y otras). Es consultor de organismos internacionales en Salud Animal y Biotecnología aplicada a Salud Animal (FAO, IICA, IAEA, OIE, WHO/OPS). Miembro de Sociedades Científicas del país y del exterior, ex-presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Virología, Presidente y Miembro del Comité organizador de Reuniones Científicas Nacionales e Internacionales. Asesor Científico de organismos oficiales (CONICET, SECYT, FONCYT, CIC-PBA, UBA, SAGPyA, SENASA, OIE, SIPO, EU) y privados (McDONALD Co., FADEFA, ISJ-BAGO, SAFOSO, AENOR, BIOFARMA, AENOR, INGAL)
Distinguido con el Premio Bernardo Hussay por el CONICET en 1987, el Premio Wilfrid Baron, por la Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria en 1988 , la distinción al Mérito KONEX en Ciencia y Técnica en 1994.
Designado Académico de la Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria en 1997. Director del Servicio Cientifico y Tecnico de la OIE en su sede central de Paris (2001-2006) y Vicepresidente electo de la Comision Cientifica de la OIE (2006-2009), Miembro electo de la Comision de Normas Biologicas de la OIE (2009-2012 ), Director Ejecutivo de la Fundacion PROSAIA (2007- ), Miembro del Directorio de CONICET (2010-2012), Miembro del Directorio del CIT-Jujuy (UNJu-CONICET) (2012-2017) y Presidente de la Fundación Saizar (2017-)
Carilo, Argentina, Febrero 2018
Graduate from the School of Veterinary Sciences (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina , 1965). Magister Scientiae in Animal Pathology (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina., 1968) Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina , 1977). Post-Doctoral Training courses in Argentina, USA and Switzerland.
Specialized in Microbiology and Virology on Animal Health, has applied his knowledge in private consultant (1965-68, and 2006-), in the academic field: UNLP-Argentina (1963-78), Rush Presbyterian University, USA (1974-76), University of Zurich, Switzerland (1982-84), University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (1995-2001), Office international Epizooties/World Animal Health Organization (2001-2006), and in Research and Development organizations: ARS-USDA, USA (1968-70), CONICET, Argentina (1971-2000), INTA, Argentina (1978-97), Institut fur Virologie, UZ, Switzerland (1982-84)
Leader of research teams in the School of Veterinary Sciences , UNLP, Argentina (1971-78), INTA, Argentina (1978-97) where acted as Director of the Virology Institute till 1997, and in the FCV-UBA as Director of the Institute for Veterinary Research (1998-2001). Coordinator of National Animal Health programs at INTA, Arg. (1985-1992) and FAO/UN Regional Programs (1984-94)and Director of Scientific and Technical Department at OIE (2001-2006)
Has published more than two hundred scientific papers (FMD, BSE and others) in international recognized magazines and books specialized in Animal Health, within Argentina and abroad. Acted as consultant on Animal Health and Biotechnology applied to Animal Health for international organizations such as FAO, IICA, IAEA, OIE, WHO/OPS, SIPO. Scientific Advisor of State Organizations (CONICET, SECYT, FONCYT, CIC-PBA, SAGPyA, SENASA,UBA, OIE, EU, SIPO) and private (McDONALD Co, FADEFA, ISJBAGO, SAFOSO, AENOR, BIOFARMA, AENOR, INGAL) organizations.
Member of Argentine and Foreign Scientific Associations, past- president of the Argentine Society of Virology, President and Member of the Organizing committee on National and International Meetings. Honored with the Bernardo Hussay Award (CONICET, 1987), Wilfrid Baron Award (National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary, 1988), Merit Award in Sciences and Technology (KONEX 1994). Named (1997) Academician in the National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary (Chair 28). Head of the Scientific and Technical Department, OIE, Paris(2001-2006).
Elected Vicepresident of the OIE Scientific Commission (2006-2009), Elected member of the OIE Biological Standard Commission (2009- 2012), Executive Director of Fundacion PROSAIA (2007- ), Member of the CONICET Council of Directors (2010-2012), Member of the Board of Directors CIT-Jujuy (UNJu-CONICET) (2012-2017) and President of Fundación SAIZAR (2017-)
Carilo, Argentina, Febrero 2018
Graduate from the School of Veterinary Sciences (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina , 1965). Magister Scientiae in Animal Pathology (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina., 1968) Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina , 1977). Post-Doctoral Training courses in Argentina, USA and Switzerland.
Specialized in Microbiology and Virology on Animal Health, has applied his knowledge in private consultant (1965-68, and 2006-), in the academic field: UNLP-Argentina (1963-78), Rush Presbyterian University, USA (1974-76), University of Zurich, Switzerland (1982-84), University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (1995-2001), Office international Epizooties/World Animal Health Organization (2001-2006), and in Research and Development organizations: ARS-USDA, USA (1968-70), CONICET, Argentina (1971-2000), INTA, Argentina (1978-97), Institut fur Virologie, UZ, Switzerland (1982-84)
Leader of research teams in the School of Veterinary Sciences , UNLP, Argentina (1971-78), INTA, Argentina (1978-97) where acted as Director of the Virology Institute till 1997, and in the FCV-UBA as Director of the Institute for Veterinary Research (1998-2001). Coordinator of National Animal Health programs at INTA, Arg. (1985-1992) and FAO/UN Regional Programs (1984-94)and Director of Scientific and Technical Department at OIE (2001-2006)
Has published more than two hundred scientific papers (FMD, BSE and others) in international recognized magazines and books specialized in Animal Health, within Argentina and abroad. Acted as consultant on Animal Health and Biotechnology applied to Animal Health for international organizations such as FAO, IICA, IAEA, OIE, WHO/OPS, SIPO. Scientific Advisor of State Organizations (CONICET, SECYT, FONCYT, CIC-PBA, SAGPyA, SENASA,UBA, OIE, EU, SIPO) and private (McDONALD Co, FADEFA, ISJBAGO, SAFOSO, AENOR, BIOFARMA, AENOR, INGAL) organizations.
Member of Argentine and Foreign Scientific Associations, past- president of the Argentine Society of Virology, President and Member of the Organizing committee on National and International Meetings. Honored with the Bernardo Hussay Award (CONICET, 1987), Wilfrid Baron Award (National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary, 1988), Merit Award in Sciences and Technology (KONEX 1994). Named (1997) Academician in the National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary (Chair 28). Head of the Scientific and Technical Department, OIE, Paris(2001-2006). Elected Vicepresident of the OIE Scientific Commission (2006-2009), Elected member of the OIE Biological Standard Commission (2009- 2012), Executive Director of Fundacion PROSAIA (2007- ), Member of the CONICET Council of Directors (2010-2012), Member of the Board of Directors CIT-Jujuy (UNJu-CONICET) (2012-2017) and President of Fundación SAIZAR (2017-)
Carilo, Argentina, Febrero 2018